posted by Writer on Mar 23

castroAs a kid, I remember many adults were frightened out of their gourd wondering if that fat, little Ruskie thug, Nikita Khrushchev, was going to lob nukes at the US from Cuba.

Those who were alive then remember “The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Now, our ‘citizen of the world’ president, has done another “in your face” to Americans by visiting Cuba and cozying-up to the brutal, Communist regime there.President-Barack-Obama-Visits-Cuba-2016-BellaNaija0007

What a punch-in-the-gut to every freedom-loving American and those who fought for the country.

Can somebody deny this guy (Obama) is walking around with a giant chip on his shoulder about this country’s very existence from the days of its founding?  Castro’s Cuba is a communist dungeon.  It is an economic, political, human disaster.  And we have just heard (from Obama’s speech) about all the similarities and the moral equivalence and how the same bunch of reprobates that settled Cuba settled the United States — the same bunch of racist pigs, the same bunch of slave owners and slave traders, the same bunch of colonizers, colonialists — founded both countries. That’s why we are no better than they are. That’s just sick, folks.” (1)

Then, we get lectured by Madame Clinton, the architect of the disaster in the Mideast, on how Americans should respond to the bombings at the hands of Islamic radicals today in Belgium. Instead of running for president she should be indicted.

Hillary Clinton:  US Response to Brussels Must Be Consistent with Our Values.”  You know, nothing offends me more — and that’s saying something — than to hear people like Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton or Barack Obama talking about “American values.”  Because their definition of American values, I don’t recognize.  And they always talk… Whenever there is an attack, whenever the bad guys hit the good guys, whenever the bad guys kill the good guys, “We must measure our response.  Our response must be consistent with our values.

What values is she talking about?ap_504312058477-2799a3776896905aacb78a9a97d95b74137ed0c1-s900-c85

She acknowledged that Americans have a right to be frightened after San Bernardino, but that experienced military leaders say techniques like water boarding are not effective.  We do not need to resort to torture.  Terrorists are not stupid.  We’ve gotta work this through consistent with our values.  So the first thing they think of, the first thing when something like Brussels happens, the first thing Hillary Clinton feels compelled to go out and say is to warn us that we better not water board again.

We’d better not behave like they do! We’d better not compromise our values in fighting these people, we had better remember who we are.  Who are we?  A bunch of wusses, in your world, asking, “Why do they hate us so much?”  Asking, “What did we do to make them mad?”  And then not having the guts and the honesty to answer that correctly?  They hate us so much because we are not of the same religion as they are, pure and simple.

It’s no more complicated than that…Here’s the bottom line…If we leave it up to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, it isn’t gonna stop.  It’s gonna keep on happening.  There’s not gonna be any end to it, because Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are gonna find a way to make us somehow culpable and responsible.” (2)

You know how this stops? We need a president like Harry Truman who has the moral courage to turn those nations promoting jihad into parking lots until they get the point.

Truman told the Japs he would not stop dropping bombs until they surrendered unconditionally. Then and only then, did the emperor get the message.japanese-surrender

For those of you who had fathers fighting in WWII, it’s a pretty good bet a number of us wouldn’t be here today if American forces invaded Japan because the people were indoctrinated to fight to the death – made to believe Hirohito was god.

10/50 - - General of the Army Douglas MacArthur and his first meeting with President Harry S. Truman on Wake Island in October 1950. President Truman forced MacArthur to relinquish all commands in April 1951. - Credit AP

Not until General Douglas MacArthur paraded him around, forcing him to personally visit the people of Japan, did they realize he was a just a scrawny little runt – a mere mortal like they were.d91ad0cfc6

So, what’s our president do after the Belgium bombings? He takes in a ballgame in Cuba with a despot. SRR47-USA-CUBA+A

The guy who embarrassed himself, throwing out the first pitch at a White Sox game like a sissy, embarasses us once again, and carries on as if all is right with the world – all the while WW III is erupting.

(1) El President Obama en La Habana, March 22, 2016, on The Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network; (2) A Member of the Conflict Resolution Generation Defends Mrs. Clinton

March 22, 2016, on The Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network.

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