posted by Writer on Jun 24
“Okay, folks, I’m just gonna say it here. If the media keeps this up — if they keep up generating this hysteria — somebody’s gonna get killed. I think we’re pretty close to somebody getting killed already, and I’m not being hyperbolic, and I’m not trying to call attention to myself. I’m genuinely worried about the out-of-control aspect of this. The news media’s fanning the flames. The news media is leading the way on this. It’s again an oxymoron. News media? There is no media, and none of this is news.” (1)
Last week Leftist’s stepped up their assault against those who disagree with them and harassed the Director of Homeland Security, Kirstejn Neilsen; Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi – driving the first two ladies out of restaurants.
This takes a page out of Hitler’s playbook where his Brownshirts harassed the opposition every chance they got. It’s reminiscent of Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) and the Night of the Long Knives.
These latest actions by an unhinged group is bringing us another step closer to civil war. Yet, many American’s, including a large number of evangelicals who should be in the know, have no clue what’s transpiring.
Instead, many Americans continue to be fascinated with “bread and circuses” while the Left (Marxists’ Stalinists, Commie’s – whatever you want to call them) moves closer towards an armed confrontation.
Don’t think so? Just wait, you’ll see what they do in the days ahead.
(1) If the Media Keeps This Up, They’re Going to Get Somebody Killed; The Tush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network, Jun 20, 2018,
June 25th, 2018 at 12:41 am
I just said the same thing to a group of people last week. And even to my own son, who agrees with most of the vile, putrid filth being vomited by the elite, evil hearted beings called ‘liberals’. I can’t tell you how my heart grieves Steve.
I warned him that if all of this is not ratcheted back, it WILL culminate in violence, because there is nowhere else to go, once they have gone as low as language permits.
I share your sorrow over the way in which the vast majority of people I know, are oblivious to the seriousness of it all. I also ache for your burden Steve, because the LORD has released me from warning anymore
I hurt for you, because I know only too well, the agony and frustration of warning….and being overlooked. I didn’t care! I couldn’t live with myself if I saw what is coming, and stayed silent.
Instead, HE has turned my heart toward preparing the Bride who does not sleep, to be brave and stand firm, regardless of the price. This change in focus was not my own, and I have accepted it. To everything, there IS – a season <3
LORD bless you, for answering HIS call.
By His grace and for His glory,