posted by Writer on Oct 20
Remember this photo? It’s the ‘Highway of Death’ littered with the remnants of the Iraqi army as they ‘beat feet’ out of Kuwait when US air power pounded them in 1991. That air war was orchestrated by Colonel John Boyd and then Secreatry of Defense, Dick Cheney.
American’s could tune in to live war coverage thanks to cable television and being such a stylish culture as we are we even had a name for the war, Desert Storm.
A few weeks ago I told you about a book I found in my church library after the title stood out; “As America Has Done to Israel”.
Author John P. McTernan gives us a recap from his perspective of that time:
“In 1991, President George H.W. Bush led America to victory over Iraq…following the war, President Bush took upon himself the creation of a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East. In October 1991, he convened the Madrid Peace Process. The heart of the peace plan involved Israel and the covenant land. The President used the power of the United States to pressure Israel into this peace process with the Palestinians, Syrians and Egyptians.”
“The focus of the peace process was Israel giving away land for peace. The term ‘peace plan’ was a code word that meant Israel must surrender covenant land. The ‘negotiable’ area was a part of the land grant God gave Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants.”
McTernan then added “It was the land that Obadiah, Ezekiel and Zechariah so clearly write about, that God restores to the reborn nation of Israel.” In the next paragraph McTernan said; “President Bush brought the United States into a direct head-on confrontation with God.” (1)
The Madrid Peace Conference began October 30, 1991 and that same day “The Perfect Storm” formed off the coast of Nova Scotia and trashed the New England states the following day. It also inflicted heavy damage to President Bush’s home in Kennebunkport, Maine.
Hmmmmmmmmm, interesting.
On August 24, 1992 the Madrid Peace Conference was moved to Washington, DC and on the same day Hurricane Andrew crashed into southern Florida.
Prior to the 1992 presidential election President Bush had a 92% approval rating because of the success in Kuwait. By August 1992 the old man’s ratings took a dump (remember; “Read my lips, no new taxes!”) and he lost to Bill Clinton.
President George H.W. Bush put the muscle on the Israeli’s and was tossed out on his ear after going head to head with what God gave to Israel. He also lost his house in Maine in the process.
Do I know for sure what God is doing? No. But, it makes me stop and think there may be something to this and how serious God is about His Word and Israel.
Next time you hear President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry speak of a “two-state” solution remember incidents like this. Oh, by the way, there’s more.
Remember, when presidents stick their noses where they don’t belong they usually get their jocks handed to them, along with the rest of the nation.
It insults my intelligence when Obama and Kerry try to blame both sides for the violence now erupting in Israel.
Here’s Mark Levin’s assessment of the situation; “Who would support a two-state solution with someone trying to annihilate you?”
Palestinians murder Jews on tape and the State Department and Obama say nothing. Obama say’s both sides need to tamper down, but Jews aren’t doing it.
Are the Israeli’s inciting violence? No, our administration hates Israel. Jew hatred bleeds out of this administration…the entire administration is full of Jew haters, Christian haters and America haters. Marxist Jews haters.” (2)
That about sums it up.
(1) As America Has Done to ISrael, John P. McTernan p. 162-63; (2) Mark Levin, 10-12 and 13-15
October 20th, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Excellent post. I would add that many evangelicals have also bought into the two state solution. It sounds nice, right? Very uninformed and naive people, our brothers and sisters.
October 21st, 2015 at 3:28 am
You are exactly right, April.