posted by Writer on Jan 7
It’s winter in America and it’s supposed to snow and be cold.As usual, local and national media are using hysterics to scare us because “Old Man Winter” has struck certain parts of the US with a brutal vengeance.
We’re told how to shovel snow, remain inside unless it’s absolutely necessary for us to venture out, to stock up on goods and have seen countless school closing due to cold weather. Here’s an idea; if it’s too cold, drive the kids to the bus stop and let them sit in the car while waiting for the bus to arrive.
Better yet, drive ’em to school. How original.
Media is deliberaely wearing us down by telling us when it’s cold outside we need to kick back and stay where it’s warm.
Dress the kids with a good pair of boots and appropriate cold weather gear and then send them outside to shovel snow – so you won’t have to.
In Michigan, once known as the Winter Wonderland, people can ski, snow board, play ice hockey, go sledding and play football in the snow.
By the way, one of the most famous games in NFL history took place in 1967 between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys.
The teams played on the frozen tundra at Green Bay’s Lambeau Field in temperatures that hit 15 degrees below zero. The players wore longjohn’s, but as you can see by the photo above many were without gloves.Loyal fans didn’t let the weather keep them from coming out and supporting their beloved Packers either.
Hey! We’re American’s, we don’t run from anything including the weather! Let me give you a run down of some of the great battles in our history that took place during winter.
January 3, 1777 – The Battle of Princeton. February 1777 – Valley Forge (During this Crucible, the harsh winter that year, God formed the nucleus of the US Army that went on to spank the Red Coats).
It’s where Doctor Potts saw General Washington on His knees in prayer asking for God’s intervention.December 25-26, 1776 Washington Crossing the Delware…
Then defeating Hessian troops hired by George III (after the Hessian’s consumed a good amount of schnapps to celebrate Christmas).
Bastogne, Belgium – World War II, December 1994
Chosin Reservoir – Korean War, November 1950
School closings all because of cold weather?
I can see if there’s a lot of snow, like the 65 inches Buffalo received a few weeks ago, icy conditions and maybe even a building problem. But snow?
You’re in the midst of a civl war. Communist’s holding elected positions are blatantly violating the law, looking to wear you down in other areas.
Jerry Brown, Governor of California, continues violating federal law regarding immigration. Many other states are following by nullifying federal law in this area.
Mark Levin tells us that people are being sent to Congress solely on the illegal alien issue.
Keep in mind, the Southern states did the same thing prior to the War Between the States in the 1860’s.
Why are these elected officials acting in such a lawless manner and following the pattern of the old South? It’s because they want to destroy America as it was originally founded.
If they can divide us, they can conquer us more easily.
Remember what Lincoln said when He quoted Our Lord; “A house divived against itself cannot stand.”
Eventually, we’re going to bump heads over this and other issues – and maybe we should.
It’s time for many of us to toughen up.
In the Book of Esther, Emperor Xerxes, the ruler of the world at that time, was duped by Haman into enacting a law to destroy the Jews living in his kingdom.
After he disposed of Haman, He knew he couldn’t nullify the original law, but instead issued a new decree permitting “the Jews…to gather together and stand for their life (See Esther 8:10-12).
You see folks, you have to fight for liberty. God gave us these freedom’s, and He expects us to defend them – even at the cost of spilling our own blood.
One solution is for the good people of California, the real patriots out there, to rise up and run those politicians who blatantly violate the law out of Sacramento on a rail.
And maybe we might have to join them, too.
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