posted by Writer on Sep 18

clinton-troops-apIn March of 1993 President Bill Clinton issued an executive order making all military installations in the US ‘gun freeze zones.” Many of his followers dispute this, alleging it was military and not Clinton that enacted the policy. 

Contrast this with the General Order issued on July 20, 1775 by General George Washington, who later became our first President:  “The General orders this day to be religiously observed by the forces under his Command, exactly in manner directed by the Continental Congress. It is therefore strictly enjoined on all officers and soldiers to attend Divine service. And it is expected that all those who go to worship do take their arms, ammunition and accoutrements, and are prepared for immediate action, if called upon.” (1)

Regardless who’s responsible for the 1993 policy, although this sounds like something Clinton would do, Washington’s men were ‘prepared for immediate action.‘ Those serving today have been placed in jeopardy, leaving little wonder why so many were killed at Fort Hood (2009), and more recently at the Navy Shipyard.

Another factor, is that the Obama Administration is waging vigorous attacks on the religious liberty of all Christians, including those serving in the military, and the Hand that shielded us in the past is being lifted.

This cannot be discounted by any thinking Chrisitian. If you do, go back and note the number of times the “invisible Hand‘ intervened on our behalf. Read what happened at Valley Forge after Washington prayed.

Washington understood where the source of victory and protection lay, while ObamaWashington_and_Lafayette_at_Valley_Forge and many others are intent on blotting out any remembrance of Christ in America. And many Christians are giving him a pass on this.

As the incident in DC was unfolding Lefties made their all too predicable calls for stricter gun laws, while proclaiming more must be done to stop the slaughter. I agree, so let’s start with abortion. Think they’ll join in?

The policies enacted by our elected officials show disdain for God (and us) while we have gone to sleep.

I’m also beginning to think that those who believe some our of elected officials have become ‘puppets of foreign governments’ may be on to something. (2) Total disarmament is the goal. I hope you realize they may be selling us out before it’s too late.

We have been told repeatedly that Christians are not of this world and that it’s o.k. to do nothing while the nation goes to hell in a hand-basket. Not true, people.

The word ‘politics‘ means to influence and Christians were given orders by Christ to be ‘salt and light’, which includes the public square. Yet, somehow you’ve been duped into believing you don’t have to lift a finger when it comes to the preservation of your nation.

Our Founders, and those who fought with them would strongly disagree, and would probably have their sights set on us for letting things deteriorate as they have.

Yesterday was Constitution Day and I’m keenly aware that it will take ‘eternal vigilance’ (3) on our part to preserve what we’ve been given. The question is; Do we have what it takes? Like Levin, I don’t think so. I think many have become too fat and lazy. If that’s you, then do something about it.

Benjamin Rush stated; “I don’t believe the Constitution was the offspring of inspiration, but I’am perfectly satisfied that the Union for the States in its form and adoption is as much the work of Divine Providence as any of the miracles recorded in the Old and New Testaments.” (4)

Hey, I’ll believe him over anyone in this generation.


(1) The Light and The Glory, Marshall, Peter and Manuel, David, p. 289; (2) The Daily Jot, On Moral Pause, 09-17-13 by Bill Wilson; (3) President Andrew Jackson; (4) homepage








(1) TLTG, p. 289

One Comment to “A Contrast of Two Orders”

  1. Bob Says:

    It is a shame and an
    embarrassment when a military establishment has to be rescued by the local authorities. Even worse not before 12 unarmed military personnel are gunned down by an insane contractor allowed to enter with a shotgun.

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