posted by Writer on Nov 23


The American People have rejected the nuclear option because they see it for what it is-an unconstitutional abuse of power.” Senator Harry Reid, April 26, 2005

Don’t be fooled by problems with websites, low poll numbers, or Kennedy conspiracy theories. This is meant to take our eyes off of important things, like what happened in the Senate on Thursday.

In 1913, Progressives (another word for Marxists) ‘pushed through a federal income tax and also changed the US Senate, because their intention was to cut out the state legislatures from the federal legislative process.(1)

Harry Reid has a lot of power and is using it to step on our throats, while removing all opposition. Mark Levin’s explains how harmful this move on Thursday was:

Harry Reid unilaterally, with the Democrats, used a nuclear option so that the Republican’s could not filibuster when it came to judicial nominees…the courts are so important to the country – that even if we vote politicians out of office, the courts are also another battle that we must fight. It is a big deal if we can’t filibuster judicial nominees, and the Republicans let it happen earlier Thursday. Mark says that we are seeing the Democrat Party liken themselves to the old Communist Party where it was Party before country; extend the agenda rather than the betterment of the people.” (2)

Once again, Harry Reid violated Senate rules to ram this through so President Obama can pack the courts131121_going_nuclear_wuerker_605 with extremist, radical judges. The fundamental transformation is taking place even as I write. Obama is cruising along without anyone laying a glove on him.

But there is a remedy, and it’s set to take place on Decemebr 7 called the ‘Convention of States’, found in Article V of the Constitution. One meeting isn’t going to change anything, because it’s going to take decades to return America to a Constituionally limited republic. But, if anything good is to come we need to start praying now for God’s intevention. The results may be a return to individual liberty, limited government and fiscial responsibility. Hopefully, the 17th Amendment (enacted in 1913 under President Woodrow Wilson and making Reid a very powerful force today) will be repealed and power returned to the states. You see how long it takes for some things to come home to roost?

Congress can defund the courts, but John Boehner and Mitch McConnell haven’t used the full power given to them by the Constituion to stop these vicious assaults on our liberities. All I’m asking is for you to get into groups and pray, keeping in mind things won’t change without ‘prayer and fasting’ (Matthew 17:21).

(1) Mark Levin Show, 11-21-2013, 11-21,2013.

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