posted by Writer on Mar 19

REIDSenator Harry Reid indirectly blamed the sequester for the deaths of seven service members in the Nevada desert on Monday night.

Reid exploited the incident for political mileage and showed no compassion for the families who lost loved ones. All this from the man who failed to pass a budget in the Senate the last four years. All this from the man who said; “This war is lost” while men were fighting and dying in Iraq.

The Left has a long track record of “never letting a crisis go to waste.” First, they exploit the deaths of twenty children in Connecticut for more gun control, and now this. (By the way, the media covered up an incident in San Antonio two days after Newtown. Many believe the silence from media outlets was in an effort to help bring more restrictive gun control measures to the senate floor. I have included the article at the bottom of the page.)

So, whose fault is it that Reid and others reside in Washington? It lies with us who continually vote people like this, ‘petty tyrants’ to quote Hugh Hewitt, back into office.

By sending Reid and others back to Washington they are under the grand illusion they have the right to rule over us. No one, including those serving in the military, are cannon-fodder for these pretentious bums.

As patriot pastor Jonathan Mayhew reminds us; “It is blasphemy to call tyrants and oppressors God’s ministers…When magistrates rob and ruin the public, instead of being guardians of its peace and welfare, they immediately cease to be the ordinance and ministers of God, and no more deserve that glorious character than common pirates and highwaymen. (1) By the way, Mayhew was considered a liberal among the crowd of patriots in his day.mayhew

Its time to throw these bums out!

Title taken from the article, Conservatives Must Build a ‘Bite Me’ Coalition, Kurt Schlichter, 03-19-2013

(1) The Light and the Glory; Peter Marshall and David Manuel, p. 264. Also, take time to Read Romans 13:1-7 in light of this statement for a clearer understanding of the passage.


4 Comments to ““Pint-sized Potentates””

  1. Keith Says:

    It’s long over due….

    but until conservatives go on the offensive and educate the “takers” of our society, the laziness & selfishness of so many cause them to continue to vote for those who they perceive will allow them to continue to be lazy & takers while overlooking the arrogance & ineptness of politicians not to mention the stability of the country.

    It’s truly sad…

  2. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Reid is just another of Obama’s puppets. His many comments from the floor of the Senate reveal his inadequacy of serving as the head and spokesman for the Senate. His time has come and long gone. It is time to replace these aged politicians who have totally lost touch with the American people and with America itself.

  3. Deb Says:

    ‘Ditto’ Steve!

  4. Stan Mathews Says:

    Yes , I agree, we need to go on the offensive. But Where are the Christian Leaders ?? This is another example of Christians with out leadership. Jesus told the Apostle John in Revelations 2-5, that he would come and remove the lampstand from among Gods people who are doing wrong, how long can America expect God to tolerate the evil that is happening in our country ?
    Every where you look, good people want to DO Something !! But what is needed is leadership to direct us. Just as in every aspect of life, most people are followers, we look for what to do to people who lead. And if our Church leaders do not guide us, it will fall to non-Christians to lead us . That will be our politicians, our Union Leaders, our civil leaders. And Harry Reid is just an example of that. That’s why the light of the world is going out.

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