posted by Writer on May 9


US Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) threw a fit when President Donald Trump attacked her record during a rally in Washington Township, Michigan.

She was upset because Mr. Trump chastised the crowd, and rightfully so, for sending her back to the Senate despite her poor performance: “You people just keep putting her back again and again and again. It’s your fault.hqdefault

He’s right, it is our fault. She’s going for her fourth term and if she wins she’ll have held that spot for 24 years. Way too long, folks.

So Stabenow doesn’t like the personal attacks, eh? Where’s she been while Paul Manafort, Mike Pompeo, Ronny Jackson and Scott Pruitt were being brutalized?

I didn’t hear a peep out of her when Sarah Sanders was savaged at the Correspondent’s dinner.

And she sure as heck didn’t say a word when Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dick Durbin and John Murtha repeatedly attacked US troops from “the floor” while they were on the battlefield.

She claims she’s working for everyone in Michigan, but those who follow politics know she’s loyal to one thing – the party line.

She’s never held a “town hall” in the suburbs to my knowledge – and never will.

She got angry because Trump came out swinging and in the process he landed some blows – something elites in DC hate and are not accustomed to.

To quote Todd Starnes; Dem’s aren’t out for blood, they’re drawing it.

Democrats are currently behind movements to get rid of God, our ONLY True line of Defense, in California and Minnesota.

“We’ve reached a point where the Democrat party is a party of obstructionism, a post constitutional party, a party of socialism, and a party of race-baiting and tribalism…The hate for President Trump is so deep that Democrats are prepared to drag this country down to build themselves up. The Democrats would rather American foreign policy fail than Trump succeed. This is the party who celebrated Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, a man who befriended domestic terrorists and used violence against this country.” (1)

They’re out to destroy our history by removing monuments honoring Confederate soldiers.

As you know, or should know, President Lincoln attempted to bring healing to the nation before an assassin’s bullet to the back of his head ended his life.

In his is Second Inaugural Address a few weeks before his death he closed: “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God give us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in: to bind up the nation’s wounds: to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves and with all nations. 

The Confederate monuments should remain. We have not heard the last on this matter and I believe it’s going to take another ugly turn very soon.

Rush Limbaugh reported that Conservatives in five Illinois counties are throwing it back in the face of leftists and declared their counties “Sanctuaries” for gun owners.

Where do you think all this is going to lead to if God doesn’t intervene? Marxist’s in power are fueling another civil war.

Obamacare protester with sign-8x6

Spend some time in John 6 and read the entire chapter in one setting. You’ll see “Jesus on vacation with His disciples, fed 5,000 and seemingly so gained the acclaim of the Galilean populace that they sought to make Him king.”

“The genuineness of this acclaim Jesus tested the next day at Capernaum by offering Himself as The “BREAD OF LIFE“. They responded to this by mass desertion. It should be noted that this almost universal rejection demonstrated the crass materialism of their thinking and the basic superficiality of the reformation that began with John the Baptist and was carried on by the Lord in His ministry or miracles. Their interests were primarily material and political rather than spiritual.” (2)

“He struck for decisions of the heart. Thus, as the great crowds still followed Him, Jesus sought to cull out the counterfeits from among the faithful. Stringency and sacrifice were His watchwords….(3) 

“While not all Americans of the Colonial and Revolutionary eras were born-again believers, they were far more biblically literate than believers today, and they held, by and large, to a biblical world view. They believed God was sovereign and that he would bless or curse our nation based upon our obedience or disobedience to His commandments (Deuteronomy 28). Many if not most feared God. They believed that if Americans honored God, God would honor America (1 Sam 2:30)…

America’s only hope is in God-sent revival and awakening. History records that extraordinary prayer by individuals and groups, small and large, preceded previous revivals and awakenings. Many in the growing prayer movement, of which the National Day of Prayer is a part, believe we may be on the verge of the greatest Awakening our nation has ever known. And the leaders and supporters of the National Day of Prayer effort are determined not to rest until every city, town, and county in America has at least one public observance of the National Day of Prayer every year.” (4)

(1) Mark Levin, Daily Recap, April 23, 2018, The Mark Levin Show,; (2-3) The Life of Christ in Stereo: The Four Gospels Speak in HArmony by Johnston M. Cheney, Edited by Stanley A. Ellisen, ps 77-7 and 145; (4) Dr. Pierre Bynum, Family Research Council Prayer Team, May 2, 2018.




2 Comments to “The Tree of Liberty and the Escalating Civil War”

  1. Kinda Hupman Says:

    I agree. Very well said.

  2. Bob Says:

    It is past time for a change. I’ll admit I didn’t vote for her bit neither have I campaigned for her opponents. There for, I am guilt as charged. Let’s all do our part to assure she is ousted in 2018!

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